Best Food For Squirrels

best food for squirrels

Have you ever noticed those long-tailed and furry creatures running up a tree? Or even performing balancing acts on a high electrical wire? You’re probably seeing one of Indiana’s many squirrels!   Squirrels are a unique type of creature. They are extremely fast and they have excellent vision, terrific hearing, and wonderful climbing abilities. They…

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Squirrels Get Munchies Too! Corn Cobs for Squirrels

Have you ever felt the sudden urge to snack? We sure have! Our furry friends are no exception, and they love to snack on nuts, acorns, and corn cobs for squirrels! Squirrels love their corn cobs, but we’re sure there are some snacks that squirrels must hate! Here are a few of our ideas:   Our…

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Daily Family Farms: Best Squirrel Food

Look at him dash up the side of that maple! How does he launch himself all the way over to the elm from there? If he were a human, he’d be a superhero. But in real life, he’s Sprocket, my favorite little squirrel friend. I just love watching him rush here and there and scavenging…

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How to Be Ready for 2016 with Corn Supplies

The New Year is fast approaching and you never want your backyard critters to go hungry. All year round, different birds and squirrels need our help staying fed. We play an important role in their lives, especially this time of year. At Daily’s Family Farm, you can stock up on feed corn to help assure…

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