Wild Turkey Spring Season in Indiana

The wild turkey spring hunting season is open in Indiana from April 22nd – May 10th. If you don’t have time to go on a hunting trip, you might be looking for ways to attract wild turkeys to your Indiana property. According to Tractor Supply, two ways to attract wild turkeys to your yard are through providing good food sources and maintaining a proper habitat.

Food to Attract Indiana Wild Turkeys
Usually, turkeys are the ones on the dinner menu. But what wild turkey food should you set out if you want to feed your backyard visitors? Spring hunting season in Indiana is still open through the 10th of May, and setting out the right food could help you attract wild turkeys to your nearby property.

Like squirrels, wild turkeys are also opportunistic feeders. This means they’ll eat almost any food that’s available. This means setting out food is simple because these foods are easy to obtain. Let’s take a closer look at what wild turkeys like to eat:




Wild berries

Hickory nuts

Beech nuts

Foliage and greens


As you can see, there is a lot of variety in a wild turkey’s diet. Because they are opportunistic feeders, they forage for food constantly. According to ForemostHunting.com, the wild turkey species you’re most likely to see in Indiana is the Easter Wild Turkey. You can either visit areas where these foods are common, or scatter corn and other favorite wild turkey foods across your property. This will help increase your game sightings and your chances of bagging a turkey during spring season in Indiana.

Wild turkeys move in groups. An eHow video compares them to “oversized chickens” because they feed on the ground like chickens do and peck at their food. They focus on grain and insects mostly, which is why corn is a great food to scatter around for them. They eat insects for protein and grain for energy.

Make Your Property Wild Turkey-Friendly
It’s important to know how to maintain your feeding areas to help the wild turkeys find the corn and eat it easily. According to the National Wild Turkey Federation, two different types of habitats wild turkeys like are near water sources such as rivers and streams and in wildlife openings such as meadows and pastures. Make sure they’re not crossing roads or any dangerous areas to access the food.

Wild turkeys love whole corn or ear corn, so scattering this type of food around suitable areas on your property will help attract wild turkeys and increase your game sightings during this hunting season. Fresh ear corn is great to set out for the turkeys because it gives them a good source of energy and is relatively inexpensive to purchase in bulk.

Buying Fresh Earn Corn for Wild Turkeys
If you’d like to purchase ear corn for your backyard visitors, call Daily Family Farms at (812) 371-5644 or come by our farm at 3727 N County Road 1050 E, Hope, IN 47246. We sell various amounts of ear corn, and all of the produce is packaged and shipped fresh straight from our family farm. You can order the corn for $6.50 per pound, or you can also purchase our largest size, which is a 40-pound bulk case. If you have any questions about scattering the corn around your property for the wild turkeys, just let us know! Good luck this season!