Best Food For Squirrels

best food for squirrels

Have you ever noticed those long-tailed and furry creatures running up a tree? Or even performing balancing acts on a high electrical wire? You’re probably seeing one of Indiana’s many squirrels!   Squirrels are a unique type of creature. They are extremely fast and they have excellent vision, terrific hearing, and wonderful climbing abilities. They…

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Squirrels Go Nuts for Corn

corn for squirrels

How to use corn to turn your backyard into a squirrel sanctuary: Squirrels can be your new furry, funny friends. Watching squirrels feed, interact, and play can be a stress relief and add enjoyment to your day. Watching squirrels play is not only amusing for you, but also beneficial to the squirrels. Studies show social…

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Jumping for Joy – Flying Squirrel Food in Indiana

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a…squirrel?! Wait, how is that squirrel gliding through the air so effortlessly? Is this some sort of ninja animal? You blink your eyes a few times to make sure you’re fully awake, but when you open them again, you see the creature flying off of the tree! Your…

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Baby Squirrel Food and Care

Look at the cute little baby squirrels! Scraping their tiny bellies on the lawn, making their fur damp! Hopping and frolicking with glistening coats toward the next bit of something-or-other that’s lying in the grass. But what’s in the grass? Is that a discarded potato chip? Oh no! My poor baby squirrel! Baby Squirrel Food…

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How to Be Ready for 2016 with Corn Supplies

The New Year is fast approaching and you never want your backyard critters to go hungry. All year round, different birds and squirrels need our help staying fed. We play an important role in their lives, especially this time of year. At Daily’s Family Farm, you can stock up on feed corn to help assure…

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What is the Best Food for Indiana Squirrels?

As the Indiana weather begins warming up, you may start seeing your backyard squirrels out and about again. A common question we get here at Daily FamilyFarms in Hope, IN is what is the best food for squirrels? Squirrels are always hungry, especially in the springtime. If you’d like to start setting out food for…

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Top Tips for Buying Corn Cobs for Squirrels

So you want to help your hungry backyard squirrels this winter, but what should you feed them? Try giving your squirrels corn on the cob for a healthy, crunchy snack. Squirrels love food they can gnaw on, making corn on the cob a great option. Contrary to popular belief, squirrels don’t fully hibernate during the…

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