Baby Squirrel Food and Care

Look at the cute little baby squirrels! Scraping their tiny bellies on the lawn, making their fur damp! Hopping and frolicking with glistening coats toward the next bit of something-or-other that’s lying in the grass. But what’s in the grass? Is that a discarded potato chip? Oh no! My poor baby squirrel!

Baby Squirrel Food

Wherever you’ve set aside your feeding area for wildlife—it should be clear of any kind of food that’s unhealthy for people, which is just as unhealthy for squirrels. Any kind of cakes, cookies, ice cream, or candy is bad for any squirrel, but it’s even more important for a growing baby squirrel to eat good healthy food and not garbage.

If you want to keep the baby squirrels near (and hopefully safe), then setting out good, healthy food is just the ticket!

Good Baby Squirrel Food

First of all, corn is a good staple food to provide to those scruffy little buddies of yours. Corn feed comes loose (like from a can) and can be gobbled up straight from the ground or from a feeder. Cob corn is also a good choice, but less so for babies due to their developing teeth. Although squirrels enjoy corn on the cob as a sort of “chew toy/meal,” the babies may need some more time before making them work too hard for their chow.

Safe and Responsible

In some cases, you DO want to make it difficult for the squirrels to get to the feed. Squirrels will eat as much as you give them, so portion control is crucial. If you feed them too much—or too much of the wrong things—they can grow overweight, malnourished, and overall unhealthy.

If you want your local squirrels to remain the nimble acrobats that you’ve grown to love, then buying and using feeders will be to your (and their) benefit. Feeders make it slightly challenging to get the food out, which will make squirrels more likely to get what they want and move on more quickly then if you had left it scattered on the ground. Also, this gives baby squirrels a chance to get at the food without overfilling their tiny bellies.

One good idea is to place the feeders in places where the baby squirrels can most easily reach them (while trying to exclude the adult squirrels). Considering the dexterity of squirrels, this may be tricky, but if you truly love your baby squirrels, you can make it happen! In addition to nutrition, feeders can make dealing with squirrels safer for both you and them. As cute and cuddly as they may appear, squirrels (even baby squirrels) are very dangerous to handle and shouldn’t be unless absolutely necessary—and preferably by professionals.

But if you’re careful and considerate, you can safely enjoy administering good, healthy baby squirrel food from Daily Family Farms! Call us at (812) 371-5644, or order the best baby squirrel food, prepackaged, online!