Whole Corn Feed for Your Wild Neighbors
Grey Squirrel is hungry for corn.
Be the Local Supplier to Corn Loving Creatures
Get on your wild neighbor’s good side and give them whole corn feed on which to munch! A variety of local wildlife enjoys corn and the added nutrition it brings to their diet. Attract large fowl, whitetail deer, and many other fascinating creatures to your backyard or wooded areas, and soon you find a perfect setting to view wildlife and enjoy the relaxation of nature in all its beauty.
Blue Jay watches for feeding opportunity.
Enhance Your Camping Trip
Camping is a fun retreat for the entire family and educational groups. We love to be in the wild and see animals living in their natural habitat. Whether you are planning a family camping trip, a scout retreat, or an educational outing, our whole corn feed will bring beautiful corn loving creatures within your view. The ability to see wild turkeys, blue jays, pheasants, deer, and so many other animals grazing the food source you provide will enhance any discussion or lesson plan. Seeing the animals you are studying up close makes for a memorable experience for young and old alike.
Pheasant browsing for whole corn feed
Educational Center Use Whole Corn Feed
Spring, Summer, and Autumn are high traffic seasons for local educational wildlife viewing centers. From day campers to local tourists, warm weather brings many interested parties to your center seeking all they can learn about our wild neighbors. It is appealing for these visitors to be able to see wildlife up close and in action. Your viewing center has the opportunity to quench the thirst of curiosity! You can use a variety of bait to bring nature close to your customers’ view including whole corn feed. With its low cost and variety of animals attracted to it, corn is a staple for luring wildlife. Many visitors may never see wild turkeys, quail, and pheasants without your help. It’s an exciting experience to witness a budding nature enthusiast’s first glimpse of our wild neighbors. Many Wildlife and Habitat Visitors Centers use corn to assist in attracting animals to their viewing pods for guests to observe and study. Spreading feed on the ground is not the only way to appeal to wildlife. You can hang dried cobs from tree branches to entice the nibbling deer and her fawn. Spearing cobs on spikes are great for jays, squirrels, and even woodpeckers. Rotating corn feeders that spin create a fun merry go round for hungry squirrels providing your guests with hours of amusement.
Hungry Fawn
Magical Backyard Experience
Do you want to feel like a Disney princess? Not to sound corny, but our whole corn feed can help make that happen! Entice cardinals, jays, and woodpeckers to visit your home and serenade you with their soulful songs as they dine on corn. The ability to gaze from your window and watch fawn, adult deer, wild turkeys, and other animals eating the corn you provide will bring hours of enjoyment. You’ll be amazed at how many animals enjoy feasting on naturally dried corn, and your backyard and woods are prime areas for photo sessions. With natural feed, your photo shoots will have many nature-loving models from which to choose. Enjoy watching young ones grow strong on a nutritious snack. Once your friendly neighborhood wildlife knows where to get good munchies, they will continue to return. Our corn is a great investment for your wild neighbors!